Frequently Asked Questions on BrainsPrep Learning App

Q&As to help you understand BrainsPrep Learning App better

BrainsPrep Learning App provides online tuition for Kerala syllabus SSLC English Medium, SSLC Malayalam Medium and Class 9 English Medium.

There will be 5 classes per week and one Live Doubt session per week.

While attending an online class, your can ask his/her questions in real time via the chat box. Our assigned teachers will instantly assit and solve your child's doubts in realtime.

Yes. We provide free trial for 5 days. You can use complete features in our app for 5 days completely for free.

Yes. We have a 20k+ students and teachers community to help you instantly solve your doubts or homework.

On BrainsPrep, you’ll be able to attend the live classes or watch the recordings (in case you missed the class or you want to watch it again).

There is a structured study plan inside each course showing the class schedules.

We do provide free study materials in PDF format which you can download and print on your own convenience.

You can ask doubts in two ways. You can post your doubts in our 20k+ students and teachers community (similar to a facebook / whatsapp group) where teachers and other students of this course will discuss with you. We’ll also provide regular live classes for clearing your common doubts.

We provide both Offline and Online buying options.