Question Pool Poetry (Poem)

Poetry (Poem) - SAMAGRA Question Pool & Answers | Class 10 English Medium

Kerala Syllabus SAMAGRA SCERT SAMAGRA Question Pool for Class 10 English Medium English Poetry (Poem)

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Qn 1.

Read the lines from Poetry and answer the questions that follow.

And it was at that age ... Poetry arrived

in search of me. I don’t know, I don’t know where

it came from, from winter or a river.

I don’t know how or when,

no they were not voices, they were not

words, nor silence,

but from a street I was summoned,

from the branches of night,

abruptly from the others,

among violent fires

or returning alone,

there I was without a face

and it touched me.

  1. Pick out an instance of personification from the lines.
  2. What was the condition of the poet before the arrival of the Poetry?
  3. It came from, ‘winter’ or ‘a river’. What does the poet mean by this?
  4. Pick out the instances of  visual images from the lines.
  • Answer)
    1. Poetry arrived
    2. The poet was without a face.
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Qn 2.

Read the given excerpt  and answer the questions that follow. (Each correct answer carries one mark).

It seemed a cruel coincidence that I had overheard that conversation. The next day when the principal called me into his office I knew what it would be about. He looked uncomfortable and unhappy. I decided I wasn't going to make it any easier for him, so I looked him straight in the eyes. He looked away and fidgeted with the papers on his desk.

‘Martha,’ he said, ‘there’s been a change in policy this year regarding the scholarship jacket. As you know, it has always been free.’ He cleared his throat and continued. ‘This year the Board has decided to charge fifteen dollars, which still won't cover the complete cost of the jacket.’

  1. What is the 'coincidence' mentioned in the passage?
  2. ‘He looked uncomfortable and unhappy’ Why?
  3. Pick out a sentence from the passage which shows the nervousness of the principal.
  4. What was the change of policy announced by the principal regarding  the scholarship jacket?
  5.  ‘I decided I wasn't going to make it any easier for him’. What impression do you get about the narrator from the sentence?
  6. Pick out a word from the passage which means ‘ keep moving the body, because of nervousness.'
  • Answer)

    1 Martha overheard the conversation between her

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Qn 3.

Read the following lines and prepare a note of appreciation of the poem focusing on the theme and poetic craft.

I did not know what to say, my mouth

had no way

with names,

my eyes were blind,

and something started in my soul,

fever or forgotten wings,

and I made my own way,


that fire,

and I wrote the first faint line,

faint, without substance, pure


pure wisdom

of someone who knows nothing,

and suddenly I saw

the heavens

unfastened and open,


palpitating plantations,

shadow perforated,


with arrows, fire and flowers,

the winding night, the universe

the winding night, the universe

  • Answer)

    Grading Indicators

    • Describes the  poetic device ,theme,
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