Kerala Syllabus SAMAGRA SCERT SAMAGRA Question Pool for Class 10 English Medium English The Never Never Nest (One-Act Play)
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
The lounge of JACK and JILL's Villa at New Hampstead. The essential furniture consists of a table on which are writing materials, and two chairs. As the curtain rises the lounge is empty, but JACK and JILL come immediately, followed by AUNT JANE .
JILL : And this is the lounge.
AUNT JANE : Charming! Charming! Such a cosy little room! and such pretty
JACK (modestly) : We like it, you know, handy place to sit in and listen to the radiogram.
AUNT JANE : Oh, have you got a radiogram as well as a car and a piano?
JACK : Why, of course, Aunt Jane. You simply must have a radio set nowadays.
JILL : And it’s so nice for me when Jack’s away at business. I even make him move it into the kitchen, so that I can listen to it while I cook.
JACK : Sit down, Aunt Jane, You must be tired—and we’ve shown you everything now.
JILL : What do you think of our little nest, Aunt Jane?
AUNT JANE : I think it’s wonderful, my dears. The furniture— and the car—and the piano—and the refrigerator and the radio-what’s it—it’s wonderful, really wonderful.
JACK : And we owe it all to you.
AUNT JANE : Yes, Jack, that’s what’s worrying me.
JACK : Worrying you, Aunt Jane?
AUNT JANE : Yes. That cheque I gave you for your wedding present—it was only two hundred pounds, wasn’t it? I— didn’t put two thousand by mistake?
1. What was Aunt Jane’s impression about the room?
2. What are the various furniture seen in the lounge of Jack and Jill’s villa?
3. Why did Aunt Jane think that the villa is really wonderful?
4. Why was Aunt Jane worried ?
5. Find one word from the passage which means ‘a public room in a hotel, theatre, or club in which to sit and relax.’
1. Cosy and pretty little room.
2. A table and two
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Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
JILL : Why no, Aunt Jane. What on earth made you think that?
AUNT JANE (relieved) : Well, that’s all right. But I still don’t altogether understand. This house—it’s very lovely—but doesn’t it cost a great deal for rent?
JACK : Rent? Oh, no, we don’t pay rent.
AUNT JANE : But, Jack, if you don’t pay rent, you’ll get turned out—into the street. And that would never do. You’ve Jill and the baby to think of now, you know.
JACK : No, no, Aunt Jane. You misunderstood me. We don’t pay rent because the house is ours.
JILL : Why, yes; you just pay ten pounds and it’s yours.
JACK : You see, Aunt Jane, we realized how uneconomic it is to go on paying rent year after year, when you can buy and enjoy a home of your own for ten pounds—and a few quarterly payments, of course. Why be Mr Tenant when you can be Mr Owner?
AUNT JANE : I see. Yes, there’s something in that. Even so, you must be getting on very well to keep up a place like this.
JILL : Oh, he is, Aunt Jane. Why, only last year he had a five shilling rise—didn’t you, Jack?
JACK (modestly) : Of course that was nothing, really. I’m expecting ten this Christmas
AUNT JANE (suddenly) : Jack ! I’ve just thought of something. That car—is it yours?
JILL : Of course it’s ours.
AUNT JANE : All yours?
JACK : Well, no. Not exactly all.
AUNT JANE : How much of it?
JILL : Oh, I should say the steering wheel—and one of the tyres -- and about two of the cylinders. But don’t you see, that's the wonderful thing about it.
AUNT JANE : I don’t see anything wonderful about it.
JILL : But there is, Aunt Jane. You see, although we could never buy a car outright, we can enjoy all the pleasures of motoring for a mere five pounds down.
AUNT JANE : And the rest by easy instalments, I suppose.
JILL : Exactly.
AUNT JANE : Exactly. And what about the radio-what’s it?
JACK : Well, that’s the—
AUNT JANE : And the piano?
JILL : Well, of course—
AUNT JANE : And the furniture?
JACK : I—I’m afraid so—
AUNT JANE : I suppose all you own is this leg. (She points to one)
JILL : Well, no, as a matter of fact, it’s that one. (She points to another.)
1. Why did Jack argue that it is better to become Mr Owner than Mr Tenant?
2. How much is the down payment for the car?
3. What was Aunt Jane’s opinion about buying things on installments?
4. What are the things Jack and Jill brought on installments?
5. Find out a word from the passage which means ‘understand clearly.’
1. Because if you pay ten pounds and a few quarterly payments you can buy and enjoy a home.
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Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow.
AUNT JANE : And the rest belongs to Mr Sage, I suppose?
JILL : Er—Yes.
AUNT JANE : Well. I’m not going to sit on—Mr Sage’s part for any one. (She stands up.) Now, tell me, how much do all these instalments come to?
JACK : Well, actually—(He takes out his pocket-book and JACK: Well, actually—(He takes out his pocket-book and consults it.)—actually to seven pounds eight and eight pence a week.
AUNT JANE : Good heavens! And how much do you earn?
JACK : As a matter of fact—er—that is—six pounds.
AUNT JANE : But that’s absurd! How can you pay seven pounds eight and eight pence out of six pounds?
JACK : Oh, that’s easy. You see, all you have to do is to borrow the rest of the money for the payments from the Thrift and Providence Trust Corporation.
JILL : They’re only too glad to loan you any amount you like, on note of hand alone.
AUNT JANE : And how do you propose to pay that back?
JACK : Oh, that’s easy, too. You just pay it back in instalments.
AUNT JANE : Instalments! (She claps her hand to her forehead and sinks back weakly into the chair. Then realises that she is sitting on Mr. Sage’s piece and leaps to her feet again with a little shriek.)
JACK : Aunt Jane! Is anything the matter? Would you like to lie down?
AUNT JANE : Lie down? Do you suppose I’m going to trust myself in a bed that belongs to Mr Sage, or Marks and Spencer, or somebody? No, I am going home.
JILL : Oh, must you really go?
AUNT JANE : I think I’d better.
JACK : I’ll drive you to the station.
AUNT JANE : What! Travel in a car that has only one tyre and two thingummies! No thank you—I’ll take the bus.
JACK : Well, of course, if you feel like that about it....
1. How much do Jack and Jill pay as installments?
2. What is the actual earning of the family?
3. Why didn’t Aunt Jane travel in the car?
4. How did Jack and Jill pay the rest of the instalments?
5. What idea do you get about the life style of Jack and Jill from the passage?
1. Seven pounds and eight pence a week.
2. Six
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Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow.
AUNT JANE (relenting a little) : Now, I’m sorry if I sounded rude, but really I’m shocked to find the way you’re living. I’ve never owed a penny in my life—cash down, that’s my motto and I want you to do the same. (She opens her handbag.) Now look, here’s a little cheque I was meaning to give you, anyway. (She hands it to JILL .) Suppose you take it and pay off just one of your bills— so that you can say one thing at least really belongs to you.
JILL (awkwardly) : Er—thank you. Aunt Jane. It’s very nice of you.
AUNT JANE (patting her arm) : There! Now I must be going.
JACK : I’ll see you to the bus anyway.
JILL : Good-bye, Aunt Jane—and thanks so much for the present.
AUNT JANE (kissing her) : Good-bye, my dear. (She and Jack go out. Jill looks at the cheque and exclaims ‘Ten pounds!’ Then she hurries to the table, addresses an envelope, endorses the cheque and slips it inside with a bill which she takes from the bag and seals the envelope. Then she rings the bell. In a moment the NURSE comes in with the baby in her arms.)
JILL : Oh, nurse. I want you to run and post this for me. I'll look after the baby while you’re gone.
NURSE : Certainly, madam. (She hands the baby to Jill , takes the letter, and goes.)
(A second later JACK comes in again.)
JACK : Well, she’s gone! What a tartar! Still, she did leave us a bit on account—how much was it?
JILL : Ten pounds.
JACK (with a whistle) : Phew! That’s great! We can pay off the next two months on the car with that.
JILL : I—I’m afraid we can’t—
JACK : Why ever not?
JILL : You see, I—I’ve already sent it off for something else. Nurse has just gone to post it.
JACK : Well that’s all right. Who have you sent it to?
JILL : Dr. Martin.
JACK : Dr Martin! What on earth possessed you to do that?
JILL (nearly in tears) : There! Now you’re going to be angry with me.
JACK : I’m not angry! But why waste good money on the doctor? Doctors don’t expect to get paid anyway.
JILL (sobbing a little) : Bu—but you don’t understand —
JACK : Understand what?
JILL : Why; just one more instalment and the BABY’S REALLY cheque to Dr Martin OURS! (She is holding out the infant a little pathetically, as we black out.)
1. What, according to, Aunt Jane is her motto of life?
2. What did Jill do with the cheque given by Aunt Jane?
3. Whom did Jill send the money to?
4. Find out a word from the passage which means ’cry out suddenly in surprise’.
1. She never owed a penny in her life and cash down that’s her motto.
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Jack and Jill could not repay the EMI in time. The manager of Thrift and Providence Trust Corporation is writing a letter telling them to remit the amount immediately. What would the likely letter be?
Relevant to the context.
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Aunt Jane is extremely anxious about the life style of Jack and Jill. On the day she knows about it, She writes down her thoughts in the form of a diary. Prepare the likely diary.
Relates the content to the context.
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’Modern man spends far beyond his means’ Narrate the story Never Never Nest on the basis of the statement in your own words.
Gives a suitable title.
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‘I’ve never owed a penny in my life—cash down, that’s my motto’ This are the words of Aunt Jane from the One act play Never Never Nest. Now, Prepare the character sketch of Aunt Jane.
Describes the character's
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Jack and Jill could not remit their EMI properly. Finally Thrift and Providence Trust Corporation confiscated their property. The news appeared in the daily next day. Prepare the likely news report.
Headline : Short and catchy
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