Kerala Syllabus SAMAGRA SCERT SAMAGRA Question Pool for Class 10 English Medium Geography In search of the source of wind
What are the factors affecting for the formation of monsoon winds?
The apparent movement of the sun
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Write the correct statement
a. Pressure decreases with altitude.
b. As the altitude increases, the pressure decreases.
b. As the altitude increases, the pressure
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Find the correct statement from those given below.
a. If the quantity of water vapour is more in a unit volume of air, the pressure of that air is high
b. If the quantity of water vapour is more in a unit volume of air, the atmospheric pressure will be less
c. When the amount of vapour in the air is high enough, the pressure of that air will remain unchanged.
d. If the volume of vapour in a given volume of air is low, the pressure of that air is low
b. If the quantity of water vapour is more in a unit volume of air, the atmospheric
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List out the global pressure belts? Describe two of them.
Equatorial Low pressure Belt, Sub tropical High Pressure Belt, Sub-polar Low Pressure Belt, Polar High Pressure Belt
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Which is the pressure belt found between the subtropical and polar high pressure belts? Make a note on this pressure belt.
Sub-polar low pressure belt
This zone is close to the Pole, the air is colder here. Though the cold air remains close to the
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Explain the cause of the occurrence of high pressure in 30 degree latitudes.
The hot air ascending from the equatorial low pressure belt cools gradually and subsides at the sub tropical zone due to the rotation of the
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Why the local wind Harmattan is known as Dr. Harmattan ?
On the arrival of Harmattan , the humid and sultry conditions of West Africa improve
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Which is the local wind that blows down the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains of North America? How does this wind help the wheat farming in the Canadian low lands?
Chinook (1)
Reduces the severity of the cold.
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Trade winds blow from the north east in the northern hemisphere and the southeast in the southern hemisphere. Why?
Due to the rotation of the earth, wind deflects towards the right in the Northern Hemisphere and towards
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Describe the global pressure belts
Equatorial Low pressure belt
Subtropical High Pressure belts
Sub-polar low pressure belts
Polar High pressure belts
(To clarify
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Write the Pressure belt that includes the following longitudes.
Latitude |
Pressure Belt |
a |
0 Degree |
a |
............................................. |
b |
30 Degree |
b |
............................................. |
c |
60 Degree |
c |
............................................. |
d |
90 Degree |
d |
............................................. |
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What are the factors that influence the speed and direction of wind ?
Pressure gradient
Coriolis force
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The pattern of isobars in two different situations are depicted in the figure ‘A’ and ‘B’. In which of these situations the speed of the wind be higher? Why?
Figure ‘A’
When the isobars are closer, Pressure gradient force will be higher.The pressure gradient is said to be
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Complete the flowchart
A. Periodic Winds, B. Variable Winds
C. Trade Winds/Westerlies/Polar Easterlies.
D. Loo / Foehn / Chinook / Harmattan / Mango showers /
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What are Planetary Winds? Write two examples.
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The Coriolis Force is a decisive factor that influence the direction of wind. Explain.
The winds in the Northern Hemisphere deflect towards their right and those in the Southern Hemisphere deflect towards their left due to the Coriolis Effect. This
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What is the reason for the formation of low pressure belt at 60 ° latitudes? By what name is this pressure belt known?
The air is thrown away due to the rotation of the earth.. This results in a pressure drop across the sub-polar region.As a result, low pressure is
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What are the factors that lead to the formation of Global Pressure Belts ?
Rotation of earth
Variation in solar
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The temperature and the atmospheric pressure are inversely proportional .Explain
The air expands when it gets heated. The expanded air is less dense and hence it ascends. This leads to the
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Mention how the south-east trade winds become the south-west monsoon.
Coriolis effect
Differences in
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Find the local wind that blows in southern India during the summer.
a. Loo b. Kalbaisakhi
c. Chinook d. Mangoshower
d. Mangoshower
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Which of the following is a correct statement?
a. The North East Monsoon is the result of high pressure over the Asian Continent and low pressure over the Indian Ocean.
b. The North East Monsoon is the result of a low pressure over the Asian Continent and a high Pressure over the Indian Ocean.
a. The Northeast Monsoon is the result of high pressure over the Asian continent and low pressure over the Indian
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State the Ferrel’s law.
The winds in the Northern Hemisphere deflect towards their right and those in the Southern Hemisphere deflect towards their left due to the Coriolis
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Name the zone where the trade winds from both the hemispheres converge
Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ).
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Which of the following statements is correct?
a. The Coriolis force increases towards the Poles from the Equator.
b. The Coriolis force decreases towards the Poles from the Equator.
a. The Coriolis force increases as towards the Poles from the
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Identify the correct statement .
a. Due to the vast expanse of oceans , the Westerlies are stronger in the Southern Hemisphere
b. Westerlies play a significant role in the climate of North America, Northern European countries and Russia.
a. Due to the vast expanse of oceans , the Westerlies are stronger in the Southern
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The speed of wind will be high in the southern hemisphere than the northern hemisphere. Why?
Due to the vast expanse of oceans in the Southern Hemisphere, the friction is
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Why does the pressure decreases when the humidity increases?
a. Vapour and air has same density
b. Vapour is heavier than air
c. The vapour is lighter than the air
c. The vapour is lighter than the air
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Match the following
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Observe the picture and answer the questions given below.
a. By what name is the wind blowing in the areas marked ‘A’ and ‘B’?
b. From what directions are these winds blowing in the northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere?
a) ‘A’- Trade Winds , ‘B’- Westerlies.
b) Northern hemisphere:- A-North East, B-South West
Southern hemisphere:- A-South
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Observe the picture and answer the following questions.
1. By what name are the winds depicted in figures ‘A’ and ‘B’ known?
2. How do these are formed?
1.‘ A’-South West Monsoon Wind
‘B’-North East Monsoon Wind
2.The low pressure formed over the land due to the intense day
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Prepare a description on global winds.
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Prepare a description on the South West Monsoon winds.
Sunrays fall vertically to the north of the Equator during certain months due to the tilt of the earth's axis.
As the trade
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Which is the pressure belt found between the equatorial and sub polar low pressure belts? How does these winds develop?
Subtropical High Pressure Belt (1)
*The hot air ascending from the equatorial low pressure belt cools gradually and subsides at the subtropical zone due to
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Identify the correct statements.
a. As the heat increases, the pressure increases.
b. As the humidity increases, pressure decreases.
c. As the heat increases ,the pressure decreases
d. As the altitude increases, Pressure increases.
b, c (1x2 = 2)
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Observe the picture and answer the following questions.
a. Name the winds shown in diagrams A and B?
b. Describe the situation in which they form?
a) ‘A’ - Valley Breeze, ‘B’ - Mountain Breeze
b) The day time the air in the valley gets heated up more than the air on the mountain
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Observe the picture and answer the following questions